Tuesday, June 29, 2010

More Furniture!

My parents came to town for a week ish, and we went to Hobby Lobby and shopped around and at one point, my Dad came over with this random night stand thing and was showing us, and then it clicked, DUH, I can make you a nightstand Dad and it will be FREE! I have all the things I need right in my garage. So later on, I asked them if they would really take me up on my offer and let me build it for them. So I went out in the garage and got er done. It was a lot of fun because my Dad was there watching me and chatting with me while I built it and he was very impressed with how quickly I was able to throw it together so that was a feel good moment as well.

And best of all.... He took it home and it was totally the right size, height and it completely matched the room it goes in. He was very excited and he's happy that he has a "Piece of me" in his room since I don't live in the same state. I sure love my parents!!