Sunday, May 2, 2010

Beginner Gardener!

I'm just a beginner vegetable gardener! However, it's that time of year! Yay! Oh gosh, it's so much fun to have a food garden. Going out each day and finding new flowers blossoming to signify the coming of fruit or vegetables. The flowers are always such a fun sign and you can watch them as they transform into budding food. And all knowing you did it all yourself! So rewarding!
I prepare a spreadsheet of all the vegetables that I am going to plant and and the planting instructions and facts so that all the information is right there together when I begin my planting. It's no fun trying to read each packet whilst doing it, but it's also very nice having this sheet for later on when you are wondering when to thin the seedlings, or when to transplant your vegetables, etc. Then I made some labels for mine because I was experimenting with different brands of seeds to see which would do well or better and therefore these labels help me to keep an eye on which was which. A simple garden label works well too. These homemade ones are laminated with my fancy little laminator but they didn't quite keep all moisture out so I reccommend maybe making sure you cut farther away if you decide to do this method, or just going with traditional plant labeling.

~ Seeds, seeds let's plant our seeds! ~ Every year I buy some fun kids plants so my children can plant their own seeds and watch their own little garden grow. I also have my son go out and water his own bucket(s) each day. We have a lot of fun! Lots more gardening to come!!

A really good website that's fun to use is They have a program on their site that allows you to plan your garden and you can actually draw it out and stuff. They also have premade garden plans that are really great too!

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